Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dreaming Days

   You are about to see pictures of my messy yard.  Do NOT be alarmed.   Plans are being made fast and furiously in my coffee-stimmed brain to get that raw earth growing green again.   

  This is the future side yard to the new garage/workshop.  Yes, it's a mud pit this morning.  One nice note,,, I saw a squished mole on the ground, he won't be tearing up my yard any more.... I spared you a picture,, you're welcome.   So, beyond the fence to the left is my veg garden, must be fenced because the neighborhood deer have found it to be especially tasty.  I'm a dreamer, so imagine along with me.  The plan for the workshop is for Bill to make wooden coffins, so I'd like the garden along the side to be a place of rest and comfort.  Hollyhocks,  maybe some roses, although I frequently kill them. I have some Miss Kim lilac, which don't get very big and have a delightful aroma.  Catmint nepeta, which attracts our bees and looks great most of the summer.  Daylilies I have in abundance.  When not blooming, they still fill in nicely.  I'm working towards having more native plants so I'm collecting seed from my baptisia and starting some again this year.  I started some fresh seed last summer and have about 6 plants from that.  I also have some small orange-flowered milkweed (butterfly weed-we have at church, also) and some common milkweed to attract monarch butterflies.  I saved the clematis from the side of the garage, that will get put back up on a more interesting trellis than the bent-up wire fence I had before.  I've seen some interesting trellis thingies on pinterest made from metal beds... hmmm.  That Pinterest, it sucks me right in..Now, I just have to get on it!  Bought ten bags of garden soil last night to help the garden get started right.  The tire compaction from the trucks will have pushed all the air right out of the soil, making it difficult for plants to breathe and to grow roots.  I just have to wait on the concrete truck to get here this coming week. 

Why, Dianne, are you showing us a picture of your grass?   Well, I'm dreaming again.. I should have printed  "Watch This Space"  across it, because that is the future home of my greenhouse!  Drove two of my little buddies to school in Lafayette on Thursday, and went around the corner to the Habitat for Humanity Restore on Fortune Drive.  Not for the faint-hearted or those without a vision.  People bring old cabinets, unused flooring, tile, sinks, and WINDOWS!!  Stuff gets sold to make money for Habitat.   I found a stack of vinyl clad, double-hung, 24 x 76 thermal-pane windows for about $50 apiece!  They had been in a nursing home for about a year before it was torn down (your social security/Medicare dollars at work.)  I have been haunting some places in Covington for some old wooden windows, but these I won't have to worry about lead paint, or scraping and painting.  Also found a doorway  with side windows but without a door from a Victorian house in the back of an antique store, not sure if it will part of it.. but for $75, I'm still considering it.  

It's a beautiful end-of-spring morning, I'm sitting on my front porch, enjoying the hummingbirds fight at the feeder,  and dreaming of my finished backyard.    Having a garden makes me believe in the future and better days.   Have you tried it?

Dirt up!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have shared a cup of coffee with you, sounds so inviting....
