Thursday, April 14, 2016

3,2,1...... GARDEN!!!!!!

Well, the greenhouse is up and going, so it's time to get stuff out in the warmed-up soil and into my barren garden!
Through the fence, I'm showing you the two boxes Bill and I built  from old 2x4's from the garage tear-down.   I lined the bottom with cardboard that I scrounged.  Since it would take several bags of soil and amendments to get these puppies filled, I'm doing it gradually this summer as I find bags of garden soil, manure, and compost.  I bought a chipper/shredder at a garage sale a few summers ago, so I'm gathering dried asparagus stems, small sticks, and other 1 1/2" or less stuff that I can grind up to add to my boxes.  Notice that I'm also covering my walkway with old bags, and cardboard so I don't have to weed it.
Here are my Pretty Little Maids all in a row,  peas transplanted from pots.  I have been starting peas in all kinds of containers, leftover egg cartons,  plastic vegetable boxes,  whatever.
Here are onions and some spinach that also started in the GH.  This end of the box has about 4 bags of soil.  
Here are 50 Surecrop strawberry plants newly plopped.  Mostly mulched, but boy, was I butt sore by the time I got this done.   I used newspaper with winter-old straw from a bale that sat outside for months,  I hope less seeds from that.  

On either side of the black tarp  (from builder last summer) are
strawberries I planted last year.  There is a severe infestation of crabgrass under the tarp.  It will die, burnt to a crisp by sun and heat.  Then I will probably put a box or two there,  to keep the strawberries separated.
Here is my favorite new addition to my gardening world.  I have not used my hose more than once this year so far, that was before we had the diverter attached to the barrel.   I also have one on the opposite side of the garage to use in the flower beds in front.   No chlorinated water,  no addition to the water bill.  I can even fill two milk jugs at ONE TIME, folks.  I'm very talented.   The garden alongside was plotted late last summer, after that garage was built.  I added several bags of garden soil,  compost, and planted buckwheat there.  What you see growing is oregano, that should flower beautifully and attract pollinators.   I may put some hollyhocks in here... "Watch this space!"
Now for an update for what's going on in the GH.  I've really enjoyed playing in the dirt, and watching all my babies come to life and lift their little green heads to the sky. 
 L to R.. Wildflower mix,  hollyhocks, marigolds, zinnias
 Vining squash, cukes, hollyhocks, broccoli
 It's nuts how many wildflowers I got to grow from a couple packets I planted in milk jugs, I'm still transplanting them.  Our bees better get really busy on these or else!
 Flower,  and more flowers
Flowers, dill,  red zinnias

Put outside for some sunshine, and air.  Borage and something else.  I also have basil, sage, dill, one more something else herby. 

I have 4 yellow fall Anne raspberry bushes greening up.. can't decide where to put them.   

I have many broccoli, so if you wander past my house,,,,come in and see what I might share.   Also cukes, and zukes.  Really, no one needs 20 of either of these!  I think some are bush type, which take less space.  I may be throwing these at my neighbors by the end of July.  

Just stopped to get bell pepper, parsnip, etc. seeds that I didn't have yet.

Tomatoes I have started are SubArctic,  short growing time, we'll see.   Only 2 leaves so far, not ready to transplant.  Also Black Krim, planted today.  

Are you exhausted yet?   We still have fence to move to enclose apple trees to keep deer away.  I have already started to cardboard-kill  grass between two trees so I can plant lots of those wildflowers.  If you grow natives, make sure you give them lots of room, they love to clump and then start eating up the garden around them.  Coneflower,  milkweed, lots of others,  stupid me lost the packet list.  I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever grows.   
Spinach!  Did I mention I really like spinach?  I had these started in small containers and so I was able to spread them out in these two Large containers.  The one on the right is about 18" across.  They'll perk up after a few days.  These will stay by the back porch so I can just walk out and snip some off for lunch, and not have to weed so much.  

I've been working every few days in the GH, and two days in the garden.. I 'm sore, I'm tired, but feeling great after digging around in the dirt.  Still not warm enough for starting worm boxes yet, but still considering it.  

Dirt Up and pass the Tylenol!


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