One mistake I did make with these was putting all the jugs into a turned over garbage can lid, which held a lot of rain we got in two days a few weeks ago... My seeds were flooded, and I didn't notice for a couple of days. So, these hollyhocks are the only ones up so far. I was told by my Butterfly Lady, Reni, that the native seeds will come up when they feel like it. I hope they decide to come up at all. I put out butterfly weed (small orange milkweed), common milkweed, zizia (Golden Alexander) and a wonderful native flower mix.
I have also been busy in the greenhouse. On Feb. 28, I planted lettuce, spinach, and broccoli. The broccoli was up in seven days!!!
The broccoli on the right is De Cicco, and the broc in the orange boxes is Calabrese, but I think these were old seeds, and may not sprout.
On the right is a mesclun mix of lettuces, and the middle is spinach... this picture was taken this morning. I 've been out all day, and I just checked on them again... There are lots more spinach seedlings up in the pink containers!
Here's the new greenhouse, made from old windows and some polycarbonate sheets from Home Depot, and an old door from the house. Bill did a bang-up job making sure that it is air tight and tolerant of high winds!
I just visited Bennett's in Lafayette and got new strawberry plants, which look green and healthy, as opposed to the not-so-lively ones I bought in bags at Wally World. I have them soaking in water right now. In the morning, I will trim the roots and plant them in pots in the greenhouse. I also bought a nice bagful of zinnia seeds today.. can't wait to get them going. I really enjoyed watching butterflies and other critters drinking from them last year.
Other stuff planted--dahlias saved from last year, strawberries from WalMart, poppy roots, and some tiny seeds I can't remember what they are. More to report later.
I have been inspecting the garden every day. Some things are coming back.. My oregano from last year appears to have made it. I planted some lavender later in the summer, and it has literally disappeared. I see the holes where they were. I think they may have become a snack for some creature that got into the garden.
Is anyone else seeing daffodils coming up? They are always a joy to see!
I also bought some Anne raspberries today. They are yellow and ripen later in the fall. Quite nice and something different to have when everything else is fading.
Hey, people, get out there and get your hands dirty!
Update on the bees when I get a picture tomorrow..
Dirt UP!!!